
Animated Bread concept logos

Just fiddling around with some logo ideas to use as brand identifiers. Here are some modern contemporary designs (July 5, 2019):

Attack on Sasha! (AoT! Fan Art)

After completing the first season of Attack on Titan about a year ago, I began a re-watch and remembered how 'Potato Girl' Sasha struck me as my favorite character (following best-girl Mikasa, of course). However, what if we shouldn't fear the Titans? What if the Titans should fear her???

Video Game Logo Concept: ISG

While building the website for a indie video game developer, I drafted some logos for the RTS project that was in works. Gathering the lore and art direction with the creative team and founder, I composed logo designs that were remnant to DESTINY's stylized inspiration, along with the scientific culture of the dev team. Second Edit Logo Concept (April 12, 2019) First Initial Logo Concept (March 22, 2019)

A Food Truck Logo Concept

Along with my brother's ambition to become a West-coast chef and open his own franchise, he expressed his first pursuit would be to open an artisan dumpling house & food truck. This is a concept of what the logo might be, by mainly conveying our hometown's high school colors into the design. (The crude pun was intended)  Standard Logo Scale     Larger Logo Scale Original Composition: March 19, 2019

University Type Concepts

Original composition: March 19 & 20, 2019